Malaysian Dream Girl??? Please, not another corny Malaysian reality show. Akademi Fantasia, Malaysian Idol, Cornetto Love Perhaps and may more were all failures. This one remains to be seen. From the 1st 2 episode, I really can't tell whether its a failure just yet but its walking a very fine line.
The show is called Malaysian Dream Girl but its actually a model search reality show. Stealing the concept from America's Next Top Model. My definition of a dream girl does not relate to models in any way. I mean a dream girl does not have to be a model and a model does not have to be a dream girl. They are 2 separate things. For a dream girl, I would firstly look for qualities of the heart. For a model, I would rather look for physical qualities mostly. This is because a dream girl is someone that you would eventually love to fall in love with and she has to have the perfect qualities in terms of a compatible character and something mysterious about her that makes you want to dream about her when you sleep and think about her when you're awake. As for model, you would want to make sure that she has that mass appeal that would make anyone want to watch her on the run-way and you would definitely want her to have commercial value, to attract clients, therefore so cannot be appealing to one person alone.
Why on earth did they pick Kenny Sia as a judge? He's horny everytime a girl gets to within 20 feet of him. His favorite lines: "Sex-bomb. sex-bomb", "You were one of my favorite contestants from the last round" (God knows how many times he had said that to most of the contestants) and the classic "*drools*". The website said that the reason they picked him was to get the opinion of a normal Malaysian guy, but he makes Malaysian guys look like sex-hungry beasts who drool over any girl thats shows off skin and wears a short skirt. Thats not normal, that just Kenny thinking with his private part and not his head. I would say thats being a bit too biased. Thank god they picked Elaine Daily and Lim Jimmy to be the other 2 SENSIBLE judges. I think the both of them are very fair to the contestants and they really speak their mind from their experience in the fashion world.
My evaluation of the Top 12 (actually 13 because I don't know why the top 12 on the show is different than the one on the website)
Fiqa - Her problem area was so obvious in Episode 2, her tummy. I could see it from the moment she started walking towards the stage. She seems like the typical 'dumb blond', metaphorically. When asked who she would like to represent (in terms of a product line), she said "Victoria's Secret"... please, with a body like that? She would make Heidi Klum look terribly skinny. I really can't think of any plus points for her, everything seems to be negative. Word of advice, do you know what Victoria's secret really is? The secret is... lose weight and look like a real model! (Rating: 1/10)
Hanis - Sweet and very straight forward, she doesn't pretend to be someone she's not, like most of the other contestants. The fact that she ditched her boyfriend to join the show proves that she's motivated and ready for challenges. I guess the only problems with her would be that she seems very shy and nervous when she exposes herself (in relation to the tights she wore in Episode 2). Has a lot of potential if groomed properly and she need to put on a bit of weight. Note to Hanis: get the extra weight from Fiqa, she seems to have a bank full of it. (Rating: 6/10)
Adeline - A bit too stiff and nervous at the same time. Does not speak up properly, shows a lack of persona and can't really stand out in a crowd because of that. She needs to learn to talk more to sell herself to the public, instead of just talking when there's questions to be answered. Bad catwalk. She won't last long in this show. (Rating: 3/10)
Ringo - Bubbly personality, thats good. But sadly she was marching instead of cat walking. I think she lives in a bubble (like the malay proverb: "katak di bawah tempurung"), because she said she hasn't had a sad moment in her life... which is very weird. Has potential... a bit... not much... By the way, she kinda looks like presenter Jamie Yeoh, the one on ESPN's Football Crazy show. (Rating: 4/10)
Valerie - Really amoi-ish. Where's the model personality??? Tummy, tummy, tummy.The tummy problem seems to be a common issue among the 12 girls in this show, except for a select few. Finally the big hair? Val, this isn't the 70's anymore. Please get rid of it, straighten your hair! Even Elaine Daily agrees with this. Its like when people sit directly behind her at the cinema and they can't see the movie screen. Another bad call by the judges? (Rating: 1/10)
Elya - Shy and conservative. Needs to learn to communicate and be more outspoken. She needs to learn how to smile more often and to try not to look so dull all the time. I think she might have a chance if she can overcome those weaknesses. She has the looks and the built. (Rating: 5/10)
Jean - Tall and looks good. Has a great smile. Outspoken and can stand out in a crowd. With hard work and dedication, I think she can make it to the finals. But i want to see more from her before she gets the thumbs up from me. I'm still on the fence with this one. (Rating: 5/10)
Jay - Her height is good. Doesn't look very photogenic. Nothing personal, but her nose stands out, there's just something about it that i just don't like. Maybe she'll be good on the cat walk but as a dream girl she doesn't have the full package. (Rating: 2/10)
Natasha - A bit too skinny (same problem as Hanis). I can't say much about her because she hasn't really been on the camera much. Her height might be a problem when it comes to modeling but other than that she does have a great look. Comparing her and Hanis, I would say that Hanis stands out more, because Hanis has that radiance about her that makes her so lovable. Maybe she should adopt that same radiance that Hanis has in order to gain an advantage over the other girls. (Rating: 4/10)
Cindy - The first thing would be that her hair is too long for her look. If she can cut shorter (to maybe around her chest height), then she would look better. But she's very dull at first sight. Does not bring anything special to the table. I would mistake her for someone in the crowd a first glance. I seriously can't figure out why Kenny calls her a sex-bomb. She's far from it. Needs a lot of improvement, way a lot of improvement. (Rating: 2/10)
Nadia - Seems a bit too aggressive. Need to tone down a little and look more natural. She's the type of girls that i was mentioning about earlier, very fake. She's trying to be someone else so that the judges would like her. She has sexy appeal, she needs to learn how to use that to her advantage. Doesn't really have a good fashion sense, even in both Episode 1 and 2. (Rating: 3/10)
Suriana - Can't figure out why the judges chose her, she doesn't look like a potential model at all. I refuse to comment further about her because I think its a really bad call by the judges. (Rating: 1/10)
Alison - Oozes confidence and speaks the best among all in the top 12. Thats the limit of her positive side. She doesn't have a particularly attractive look and does not have that figure that screams out "I'm a model!". I don't think I would go ga-ga over her if i saw her on the cover of FHM one day. I would not put her through if I were one of the judges but I guess Kenny Sia has better taste in women than I do.... *sarcastically*. (Rating: 2/10)
So overall, I think only 3 have got the goods to make it as a potential model (Jean, Hanis and Elya). I'll name them as my personal Top 3 for this show. Having said that, those 3 have a lot to work on and I wish all the best to them because I think the deserve to be on the show. The other 9... I'm pleading to the judges to open their eyes and see what a big mistake they have made by letting these girls through. Too me, they're just there to warm the seats. I don't see them having the potential and character that they need to be at the top of the Malaysian fashion industry, thus far.
I would really like to follow the show to find out whats going to happen in the end. I hope it does not turn out to be a disappointment in the end. I'm betting on my Top 3 and I hope one of them wins it.
Catch all the episodes of the show at
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