Oh... Alison... although you were never admitted to the elite ranks of Shaw Brothers stardom, you will always have a special place in my pantheon of Hong Kong actresses. Let the other fans fawn over Li Ching, Cheng Pei Pei, Lily Ho, Chen Ping, and Jenny Hu. That just leaves more of you for me!

What a shame that your sexy girl-next-door look and sporty personality were squandered at Shaws. If I had been the boss, I would have featured you in a series of beach party musicals (costarring Ho Fan and Peng Peng of course), along with a generous smattering of spy thrillers and wuxia films.

Alas, the only thing I can do now is try to draw attention to your under-recognized charms... and maybe start a fan club too!
These pictures appeared in the August, 1967 issue of Hong Kong Movie News. Click here for the original spread.
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