Without further ado, here is Margaret and her magic eggs. A scan of the original article is available here.
Margaret Tu Chuan's Stunt With Eggs
Believe it or not, Margaret Tu Chuan can stand eggs on the end of a stick, even at angles which defy the Law of Gravity.
It happened the day when we went with Margaret on a picnic. Everybody was to do a stunt to provide the amusements. And when it came to Margaret's turn, she took from her handbag six eggs. She declared that she could pile these eggs one on top of the other, on the end of a stick. Nobody believed her, but nobody argued either.
We watched her take out a stick and put an egg onto one end of it. We were amazed because the egg didn't fall. Then she placed the stick between her lips leisurely, with the egg still balancing on it, and we all goggled. Our eyes nearly popped out when she hung the stick egg-side down and the egg still didn't fall. But that was only the beginning. For she then put the rest of the eggs onto the first egg, one on top of the other. And they stuck together, like they were glued there.
And glued is exactly the word. For Margaret explained to us later that the eggs were only empty shells and she had used some kind of fast drying glue to stick them together.
Margaret Tu Chuan is performing with a stick and
some eggs.
She puts an egg onto the end of the stick. "Now, here
we go!"
She withdraws her hand but the egg stays with the
stick. How miraculous!
Look, egg-side down, and still nothing happens. The egg
But only one egg is nothing really, so she adds
another, and see what happens.
Gee, it is just marvelous. She also finds it hard to
believe her own eyes.
See? Very simple. The second one just sticks on
and won't come off.
But two eggs are still child's play. Here, have
one more. There you are.
Still one more. Now, there are four eggs at stake.
But nothing happens.
Well, here goes the last two. Now six eggs has formed an infallible tower.
Hold it upside down, and it looks just like a string of flowers. What a sight!
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