My job requires me to deal a lot with Microsoft personnel, because my company is pro-Microsoft for obvious reasons (they think Microsoft is the best). Well, I’m not here to praise Microsoft, but to tell you how much I hate them…
Firstly, when you report a problem to them, they escalate your problem all the way to their base in Shanghai, China. I’ve got nothing against the Chinese, but talking to the Microsoft guys in Shanghai is ridiculous, because half the time you can’t understand them. I’m a Malaysian for heaven’s sake, I speak and understand “rojak” English and I still can’t understand them. I wonder how they speak to the white guys…
Next, if they can’t solve your problem (which is the case most of the time), they’ll just give you their standard answer “This issue is as per design”. How can a problem be caused by how Windows was designed??? You built it! So you should know how to solve/fix it! Would you buy a car and expect the dealer to say “As per design” when you report a problem to them? “What? Your engine cannot start? As per design, sir. Please buy a new car or live with it!”. Ridiculous ain’t it?
Next, the motto is probably: “If anything goes wrong in Windows, always blame the customer first!”. I’ve always got this answer from them: “It is something in your company’s environment”. Maybe it is but isn’t that a bit too blunt? Couldn’t they at least try to find out what is wrong in the client’s environment first before saying that? There was once when Microsoft techs couldn’t figure out what was wrong with some problem which causes MS Word to crash in my company, they collected logs for weeks and couldn’t tell what was wrong. They came to the point of saying “Could you please ship over your laptop to us in Shanghai?”. OMG! Why would I ship my laptop half way around the world when they have a Microsoft base here in Malaysia? The local Microsoft guy said “We’re not as technical as the Shanghai guys, so we can’t troubleshoot this problem”. I was shocked, why do they call themselves Microsoft personnel (working in the Support Team) if they can’t even do simple troubleshooting. You know what I did? I got fed up and did my own troubleshooting. I found a possible cause and a resolution for the issue within 30 minutes. Shanghai Microsoft techs have been working on this for 3 weeks and they couldn’t find a bloody solution. 30 minutes and 3 weeks, you do the math. And yeah, in the end, it was caused by a corruption in one of the Ms Office registry keys… yes, yes, blame the client…
I hate Microsoft so much…
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