From Sex in the City: HONG KONG (FormAsia Books, 2010)
Some of you have asked how come I haven't posted anything yet about my recent trip to Hong Kong. Bear with me I'm still working on it, but have been unusually exhausted and distracted since my return.
In the meantime, let me draw your attention a new book that I recently read about (and might pick up on my next trip): Sex in the City: HONG KONG, a coffee-table collection of the bold advertising displays that dominate the city's visual landscape.
Here are a few of my own examples, taken during this past and previous visits:
A 21st-century Shanghai beauty gracing the historic Pedder Building, home of you guessed it Shanghai Tang.

I've been told that folks work hard and play hard in this city of unfettered capitalism. Which is one reason (besides the pollution) that I will never live in Hong Kong. Sorry, you can keep your cherries! I like to work soft and play soft.
What are you waiting for, guys? Delay No More! Sounds like "F*ck your mother" in Cantonese, but it's actually a brand name marketed by G.O.D. (Goods of Desire), a sort of Ikea for Hong Kong hipsters. Just do it as you gaze upon slender Charlene Choi pimping the "body shaping" services of Marie France Bodyline beneath a fatty fried egg!
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