Moonlight over Huangpu River, 1930s.
By Yuan Xiutang (dates unknown). Chromolithograph on paper. Collection of the Shanghai History Museum.
This lovely lady will be appearing in the Shanghai exhibit opening next Friday at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. I'll have more to say about the show once I see it, but before then let me make two announcements.
The Asian Art Museum will be giving away a pair of free tickets each week during the exhibit. The ticket giveaway is only open to California residents, so my condolences to all of you living outside the Golden State. But if you are lucky enough to live in the Bay Area, you should definitely enter. You only need to do it once to be eligible for all weekly giveaways.
Secondly, I will be a guest blogger at the Asian Art Museum Blog, starting in March on a monthly basis throughout the duration of the exhibition. I'll keep you posted here, but better if you subscribe to their RSS feed, so you don't miss out on anything. There promises to be lots of great stuff. In fact, just yesterday there was a post about the first Chinese animated feature, Princess Iron Fan (1941).
OK... what are you waiting for? Get Shanghaied!
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