I just found this article on Allyson Chang Yen while I was browsing my magazine collection for material on Fanny Fan. It's from the July 1966 issue of Asia Entertainments. Boy, I've sure become smitten with Chang Yen. She's spunky, sexy, and super cute. It's a real shame that she never made it up the ranks of stardom during her career at Shaw Brothers.
There is an old Chinese saying which says "a good dress adds to a person's appearance". But in the case of Chang Yen, it is the opposite: her loveliness makes any dress look better. Chang Yen just seems perfect with any style of dresses, her well proportioned figure and the graceful movements acquired through years of ballet dancing have made this possible. On top of all these, Chang Yen is a very sweet and lovely young girl, so there is little wonder that anything she puts on seems to be perfect.
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