This is the first of a hopefully weekly post, where I will be featuring a random treasure from my "eBay Archive". If I have something interesting to say about the item, I will; if not, I'll just identify it (or ask for help if I can't).
OK then... here's a flyer for Young Rock (1959), starring Patricia Lam Fung (love that smile!). As always, you can click on the image for a larger version.

Patrick Lung Kong (seen on the front of the flyer) plays Lam Fung's love interest. He got his start as an actor at Shaw Brothers' Cantonese division but would make his mark as a director of edgy social exposés like Teddy Girls (1969), starring Josephine Siao as a teenage delinquent; the controversial Yesterday Today Tomorrow (1970); and The Story of a Discharged Prisoner (1967), the inspiration for John Woo's A Better Tomorrow (1986).
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