Also from the February, 1959 issue of
Movie News is this Patricia Lam Fung photo giveaway and special contest. While I can't travel back in time and post the prize -- a large autographed color portrait of Lam Fung -- I will post a comparable treat for all you Lam Fung fans later this week!

Lam Fung, the popular Cantonese star is coming to Singapore on 6th February, travelling on board TJIWANGI. She is going to star in Shaws' "Love on Merdeka Bridge," the first of four films she is scheduled to make in Singapore.
To commemorate this occasion, MOVIE NEWS makes a special CHINESE NEW YEAR OFFER to all Lam Fung fans. One thousand signed photographs of your favourite are available for distribution. To take advantage of this offer fill in the coupon below carefully in block letters and fix a stamp to the value of 10 cents in the space provided. Send the coupon to LAM FUNG PHOTO, MOVIE NEWS, 116 Robinson Road, Singapore-1. Photographs will be sent by post to the thousand applicants whose letters are opened first on 10th February, the day the application list will close.

Win an enlarged autographed colour portrait of Lam Fung! All you have to do is write a short essay not more than one hundred words on "Why I am One of Lam Fung's Fans." Completed essays, with the coupon below attached to the top right hand corner, should reach the MOVIE NEWS offices by 15th February. Address your entry to "Lam Fung Essay," MOVIE NEWS, 116 Robinson Road, Singapore-1. Colour portraits will go to the twenty entrants whose essays are considered best by the judges. Results will be announced in the March issue.
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