I just cleaned out my wallet and it brought me to the verge of tears. I haven't been much of a crier for the past year, however, certain recent circumstances have made me very sad and unbelievably sentimental and I've kind of hopped back on the tear train. As I was emptying my wallet of receipts and ticket stubs from the past month I looked at all of the different vendors, languages and things I had purchased and very distinct and poignant memories came swelling up in my mind and took residence in a tight place in my throat that generally produces tears.
Now I am sitting in a familiar Peet's Coffee, on El Toro, waiting for my best friend to come and meet me before I head out on a two day excursion to Santa Barbara. Honestly, I'm just a little terrified to go there and see everyone. I know four months isn't that long, but when I think about all the places I've been in four months, the ways in which I've grown, and failed, I just can't imagine what it will be like to go back to my school.
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight.
People in California are freaking out because it's actually cold this December. If I hadn't gone to Europe, I would probably be one of them--shivering in 50 degree weather and pointing out what might possibly be perceived as a bit of ice and getting all giddy about it. But, since I've been gone, the biting cold just seems like a part of everyday life, you've got to just move on, you know?
Looks like Sarah just got here and my back is out of alignment. Today is going to be a great wonderful mysterious crisp day. I can't wait to spend hours with Seany in the car.
Frequent stops to experience God's Grandeur.
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