Ce qui est connu.

(this is glamorous)

up in the air/what i don't know/what i wish i knew/why can't i know it?!!? :
where am i going to live in four weeks? who am i going to live with? where did all my money go? why can't i stop watching movies? why is coffee so good? why do i watch gilmore girls every day? who will i end up with? do i want a boyfriend? will i ever want one? will someone love me again? why does starbucks brew decaf in the morning and not at night? who invented the vuvzela? why did they do such a thing? what will i do when i graduate? will they offer the classes i need to graduate? omg...will i even graduate? will i be able to handle everything next semester?

sigh, i won't bore you with the endless questions brewing in my mind anymore...because...

what i do know:
there is a plan for me that has been decided. all will work out the way it is supposed to.

i just need to accept that.


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